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Intermittent Fasting: Decide (IF) It’s For You
Intermittent Fasting: Decide (IF) It’s For You
October 22, 2016
IF (You may see this pun a LOT in this article) you skip breakfast, does that mean you’ll be more liable to consume extra calories later? That’s quite possible, our bodies ability to produce the hormone Ghrelin is released. Ghrelin is known as the “hunger hormone”. It’s a peptide hormone produced by ghrelinergic cells in the GI tract. It’s main function is to regulate your appetite, yet Ghrelin also plays a significant role in regulating the distribution and rate of use of energy. When your stomach is empty, ghrelin is secreted. When the stomach is stretched, secretion stops. It acts on hypothalamic brain cells both to increase hunger, and to increase gastric acid secretion and gastrointestinal motility to prepare the body for food intake. In other words, it signals that you are hungry!
This brings me to the subject of Intermittent fasting or (IF), you may have heard of this “phenomenon”?? (IF) refers to periods of fasting, meaning you are restricted to eating very little—or nothing at all—for periods of time lasting anywhere from 16-24 hours. For some of you (Me especially) this method is not preferred. I’m the type who wants to eat everything and the kitchen sink to go along with it. There are some out there who don’t like to eat (you’re insane but I know that there are a few in this reading audience) and this approach could be an effective way for you to trim some fat and pounds. There are scientific researches that support the ability to increase fat oxidation, reduce body weight, and accelerate fat loss while fasting. Other health benefits could include (as long as you’re on point with your food) decreased blood lipids, blood pressure and decreased risk of cancer, Sounds amazing doesn’t it??
What are some liquids you can consume during a fast?? Green or Black Tea, BCAA’S (Branch Chain Amino Acids), coffee and water. This will allow your mind to stay under control and regulate cravings which will occur due to Ghrelin signals. The important question is when during a 16 hour fast (there are other fasts, a 24 hour fast being another example) do you complete a workout? It’s usually recommended that you workout before your 1st meal of the day. Ideally you’d be looking around 2:30-3:30. (If your work schedule allows you too.) Immediately if your workout, you’re looking at a highly dense nutrient meal:
EX: 10 ounces of Salmon, 2 servings of asparagus, 2 servings of kale, perhaps 10 extra grams of protein via a shake, a serving each of brown rice and sweet potatoes. BOOM, plenty of vitamins, minerals and protein to have you recovering from a workout!
Be diligent, lots of protein, vegetables and complex carbs will help you recover. Nutrients are essential in the growth of toned, lean muscular tissue.You also may be asking, what is the scientific background behind IF? As in, test subjects who have completed different types of fasts or proof of health markers improving over the course of time? I’ll leave you a link on Intermittent fasting directly below on a test subject
For now, I’d like to wrap up by saying this: intermittent fasting can be helpful for in-shape people who want to really get lean without following conventional bodybuilding diets, or for anyone who needs to learn the difference between body hunger and mental hunger. It’s not the end-all, be-all of nutrition or fitness, nothing truly is. People have been getting in awesome shape—and staying in awesome shape—for decades without the use of intermittent fasting. If you meet the criteria for trying IF and decide you’d like to give it a try, by all means go for it. Do your homework and give it a whirl. Once you’re fully prepared and you know what you’re getting into, feel free to experiment away. Who knows, maybe this is your gateway to getting lean. (IF) you don’t try, how will you know??
I empower people through passion and a clear vision to enable you to become a healthier, fitter you! Follow me on Twitter @dajvshow24, Snapchat @JCV24 or Instagram at jcv2424.