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Losing 25 Pounds: How Difficult Can It Be??

My friends and I are Minnesota Vikings fans. No really, I mean BIG Minnesota Vikings fans: to the point that we text each other a month after the season ends about free agency upcoming in 3 weeks, or who is going to start at left guard in 2018. Kind of ridiculous how we play arm chair general managers even though none of us are even close to qualified.

One of those random days talking about Kirk Cousins in a Purple uniform (we actually might have been talking about this before the Minnesota playoff miracle versus New Orleans), a couple of my friends were conversing about losing weight for golf season. It literally became a topic for about an hour and of course my mind began to wander. How can I get my friends in shape before the golf season??

Going through the process as I was lifting on the platform that day, the plan became very clear. Make this a 4 month process and challenge them all. The plan was simple, drop 25 pounds in roughly 4 months. Here’s the deal, I teach you what I know. You follow the blueprint, you all succeed together. I will put together a small fee for the 4 months, every pound you guys lose: you get portions of your money back!! If you lose 25 pounds, you’ll gain back most of your money. If you lose more than 25, I’ll give you the program practically FREE!

The foundation is set! All I am asking for are weigh ins at the beginning of every month and on the very last day. Take pictures each time, we’ll display the before and afters. When it’s over, hand me a testimonial with the photos and I accomplished what I set out to do. Give you an education on eating correctly all while occasionally indulging in your favorite foods and beverages!! Such a fantastic concept!

In the 22 days that passed, the 3 gentlemen plus the wife of one my friends have lost a combined 36 pounds!! To say that I am proud is an understatement, I am getting chills typing about this. They are doing the work and actually enjoying the process as they go!! What is surprising all of them is just how satiated they are from eating REAL food and just how many calories are in pizza or fast food.

Here is where the true challenge lies. Anyone who is reading this can join in on the fun beginning March 5th. Are you happy with how you look and feel?? Do you feel defeated and have 0 answers on how to get started moving toward being in shape?? I’m offering a golden opportunity for YOU to do this exact same thing!! I will make this as easy of a process as possible, teaching you the science behind nutrition (in simple terms of course) and doing it at a pace where you will lose inches, become leaner, toned and stronger. Mind, body and spirit will begin to feel amazing!! I will leave you with a paragraph from one of my good friends who is participating:

“I have been on the program for 3 weeks and have seen amazing results . ( Down 15.5 Lbs since Feb 6th) I Have used a mix of healthy food as well as “normal” food to get there. Jesse is a great coach and friend. He really takes the time to make sure people are feeling great with everything they are doing. I can’t wait to hear about how things are going for people once this group starts their journey . If people have any questions on food or just need a sounding board I think having the support group is an important component to success .” 

Do you need more convincing???

My name is Jesse Velasquez from Minneapolis, Minnesota. I empower and inspire other’s with vision and education to reach their optimal fitness potential.  Follow me on Twitter @dajvshow or Instagram @ jcvwellness.
