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New Year’s Resolutions?? How About Starting Now?!

13 weeks=91 days=2,184 hours=131,040 minutes=7,862,400 seconds. The norm in terms of developing a habit is 21 days. Being as change is one of the hardest things among the human race to accomplish, 91 days sounds like a trip to Alcatraz. Coming from someone who dropped 55 pounds as a 20 year old, I can tell you that switching from soda to water and hot dogs to chicken breasts was not an easy chore. Change or fear of the unknown is quite scary, we all have a natural tendency to stay in our comfort zones since familiarity or routine is quite simple. So you’re probably asking “Jesse, how can I change? I’ve been stuck for SO long, I have a sugar addiction, chips are my stomach’s best friend, I’ve tried crash diets, I have injuries, Downton Abby and WestWorld are waiting for me at home on Netflix (Build your own excuses!)

215 pounds at 20 years old, drug problem, hadn’t started college, lazy, hopeless, content with being a bum for as long as possible. Shamed by my father’s girlfriend after being caught higher than the Empire State Building, I decided THAT moment to make a change.13

My whole life, I had growth spurts where I would thin out one year: become a bit husky the next. Being an athlete, hard work was never an issue. My dad pushed my limits to absolutely no end from age 8 on. I ran hills at the park, sprints on the soccer field, gassers on the hockey rink. I HAD a work ethic installed me from an athletic standpoint. So that 13-year-old in the upper left hand corner of that picture was a “little husky.” (Note, I’m trying to find a photo from Christmas of 1999 that my mother has were you can see me at my heaviest. Mom, find it and expose me to the World!! 🙂 ) Back on track to the plateauing at 215 pounds. After ditching soda (I’m talking 2 cans a day), Cheez It’s, Hot dog’s and Pizza for a short period of a time, I lost 25 pounds with extra walking and dietary changes. I slowly started to roller blade, run, bike and play basketball. BOOM, 10 pounds gone. Went to the Mall Of America one day and walked into a GNC, became enamored with this Ronnie-Coleman-03 and bought Whey protein plus Creatine. Incorporated pushups, pullups, sprints, 1 mile runs and dropped another 30 pounds. I was extremely lean, probably around 5% body fat give or take. I had always wanted to look like an athlete or bodybuilder and now had the motivation to do something about it!

2 years later, joined a gym. Began weightlifting daily and running 2-5 miles a day at a high-speed. At the age of 25, 25 morphed into a proportionate human being with fantastic genetics. Took up a bit of modeling, started incorporating a healthy life style and have maintained a resemblance of this for 15 years.

Coming back to the 91 days of change. Thanks to injuries, mediocre eating (mainly in the evening) and setbacks in life, I will be looking to get back into the shape I am accustomed to and I AM CHALLENGING all of my clients, friend’s and family to join me beginning December 26th (Forget the January 1st New Year’s resolution, start earlier and stay the course!!)

  1. To motivate myself and the client’s I work with on a daily basis to lead a healthier lifestyle through proper nutrition and exercise.
  2. To show the World what you can do when you put your mind to something for 91 Days. Willpower, a want to be better in all aspects of life and healthy=happy!
  3. To look a little bit better for my girlfriend 😉 (Note, she’s VERY happy with me already. I always think I can do better)In these next few sentences, here are some tips that I plan on and have already used in the last 10 days:
  • Tracking my macro-nutrients. I want to lean out a little bit. If this is you also, then you should know that even small variations in nutrition intake can mean the difference between dropping those last few pounds of stubborn fat or standing still. I’m 5-foot-7 and a half,  my weight likes to fluctuate between two and five pounds on a day-to-day basis. Even just a few hundred calories can tip me over the line from caloric deficit to maintenance mode, and that would be frustrating if I were only one belt notch away from my goal. I get that there isn’t a huge discrepancy between 85 and 100 grams of chicken. In fact, that difference is negligible, and you can easily get away with it—in isolation. Yet that mindset of “It’s just a little bit”, when applied over and over again to every food item at every meal, will add up to more than just a little bit by the end of the day. 30 calories here, 20 there, 50 over there, and before you know it, you’ve eaten back the 250 you just burned off in your most recent workout. I recommend tracking it for 30 days and seeing what works best for you. I live by a 40/30/30 plan at the moment. Experiment with carbs and fat based on feel (I’ll provide info for Keto plans higher carb plans that STILL result in weight loss etc., you just have to trust in the process) 40% of my calories come from protein, 30% come from Carbohydrates and 30% come from fat. I shoot for about 2500 calories which equates to a breakdown of 250 grams of protein, 187 grams of carbs and 93 grams of fat.

An example meal plan: Breakfast is 3 eggs, 3 strips of Turkey bacon, a bullet proof coffee with MCT oil and 1 scoop of Grass fed protein. Protein=54 G. Fat=32 G and Carbs=2

Mid morning snack: one scoop of protein and one scoop of Dynamic Greens. P=23 F=3 C=7

Lunch: 6 oz of grilled chicken, 1/2 of an avocado, 2 cups of broccoli, 2 cups of spinach P=42 F=13 C=14.

Halftime numbers= 119 grams of protein, 23 grams of carbs, 48 grams of fat. (Don’t worry, I’ll catch up!)

Mid afternoon snack: 1 Chocolate chip cookie dough Kirkland protein bar and handful of almonds P=28, C=33, F=22

Mid afternoon snack #2= 1 scoop of grass-fed whey protein  P=22, C=3, F=2

Pre dinner count- Protein=169 grams Carbs=59 grams, Fat=72 grams

Dinner: 8 oz of grilled chicken, 1 cup of quinoa, 1 red pepper and 1 cup of Greek Yogurt. P=82 grams C=50 F=8. Let’s catch up once again

Post Dinner Protein=251 Carbs=109 Fat=80

Dessert= 1 cup of steel-cut oats with 1/5 scoop of protein and a handful of blueberries. P=12, C=64, fat=6.

Final count Protein=263, Carbs=173, Fat=86

So I overshot my protein by 13 grams, my carb count was under by 14 grams and my fat count was under by 7 grams. Total caloric intake=2,433 calories! Why the absurd amount of protein you ask??

Eating protein stimulates an increase in protein synthesis and suppresses protein breakdown for several hours so you end up with more lean tissue. Based on the availability of Amino Acids, the body is constantly fluctuating in muscle gains and losses. Anytime you replenish your body by consuming protein, it promotes muscle development.You carry more lean muscle mass by consuming high quality protein. The higher intake of BCAA’S (Branch Chain Amino Acids), you produce greater lean mass and reduced insulin sensitivity. Branch Chain Amino Acid content is a great metric of protein quality. Lean meats generally carry essential amino acids that are a PLUS for your health. Foods rich in BCAA’S are Chicken, Salmon, grass-fed beef, eggs and whey protein.

I’ll provide more elaborate nutrition plans as we go, including when I start a calorie cut. I’ll go more in-depth on how to remain clean and stay full during a calorie deficit. What foods to eat to cure unfathomable cravings, the truth behind “How long you should exercise” and what supplements will aid you during your transformation.

  • Exercise 5 days a week. Obviously I can’t eat like this and transform my body without working my butt off!! I’ll be utilizing my heart rate monitor quite a bit more. Here is my theory behind this:
  • Making exercise a priority for 91 days! I know, here come the excuses,
  • “I have a family and they eat standard American nutrient less food.” or “I don’t have the time in my day to do this!” For the next 3 months, I think you can make meals for yourself if your husband or wife are indifferent and unsupportive of your decision. (They sure shouldn’t be, they should join in with you)
  • “How much television do you watch?” During your shows, use resistance bands for training or walk in place. You could also record your shows and watch them later, skipping the ads; use that time to exercise. Other common excuses
  • I’m too tired!!Working out actually gives you more energy. I’ve found this out the hard way since I came home from The Granite Games in September. Your body makes feel-good hormones (endorphins), and you’re getting the circulation going. It may help to work out in the morning before your day gets away from you as well. Not a morning person? No problem. Do it whenever you feel best, I have recently been working out in the middle or at the end of the day.
  • I have children and don’t get a break! Take the kids with you!  While they’re playing, you can walk around the playground or jump rope nearby(unless you live in Minnesota, then take them to an indoor club or track. During their games or sports practices, walk briskly around the field.Go biking with your kids, put up a badminton net in your yard, sign up as a family for “fun runs,” or just walk around the neighborhood with your children. When mom or dad is more fit, has more energy, the whole family will benefit!
  • I’ve tried before and failed:

    Set goals that are small and realistic. Then you’re more likely to feel like a success, not a failure. It also helps to keep a log and post it somewhere public — even on Facebook. If used correctly, it’s a “wall of encouragement.” Friends and family can then say, “Hey, you did 15 minutes yesterday. Great job,” she says. A log also helps you see if you’re starting to fall off the wagon (or the treadmill). Having an exercise buddy keeps you accountable as well. You may be more likely to show up for your workout if you know someone is expecting you to be there.

    Ultimately, I want my client’s and everyone in the world to be at their absolute healthiest 100% of the time. Is that entirely possible? Probably not: However, If I can make a difference through education and proven results, that will satisfy me more than ANYTHING ever could. One of my Christmas presents that I’m waiting to unwrap is a full stable of people who’s lives I have helped change over the course of these 90 days. Expect greatness these next 12 weeks, not just from these posts, but from the people I work with daily or the people I plan on reaching out to via this column. Astonish me world!!! Make your statement’s known through hard work, dedication and sacrifice. Make me proud of the field I work in and also the undying will to better yourself in any way, shape or form. You now have 79 days, which equals 1,896 hours=113,760 minutes which equals…………………A new and improved ___________________

Follow me @jcvwellness on Twitter and @jcvwellness on Instagram.