My friends and I are Minnesota Vikings fans. No really, I mean BIG Minnesota Vikings…
Foods and Liquids That Will Aid In Fat Burning!
Super foods are classified as high valued mineral, vitamin and antioxidant based foods which will boost your immune system and keep you quite healthy! Which super foods aid in burning fat, losing weight and improving your overall health? Let’s a look and I’ll also give you insight on what period of the day to consume these foods.
1. Blueberries- Blackberries as well are extremely high in antioxidants. They have a big source of Vitamin C, are anti-inflammatory and can lower your risk of heart disease. This is an exceptional fruit to throw into your oatmeal or smoothie, preferably in the morning. I’d recommend a 1/2 cup daily and eat them no later than 3 in the afternoon. That extra glucose should be a good energy booster for a workout.
2. White meats- By this I mean Wild Alaskan salmon, rainbow trout and Organic skinless chicken breasts. Both fish sources are incredible sources of Omega 3 fat acids and are high in mono saturated fats. (the good kind) All of these are great foods that contain a high amount of protein, These are my favorite dinner options that should be accompanied by a green vegetable.
3. Broccoli and Spinach- My personal favorites, I prefer these as well for lunch and dinner (yet I usually blend the broccoli and spinach in a smoothie right away in the morning). Broccoli is extremely high in fiber. (insoluble and soluble) Soluble helps keep your blood sugar low and blocks cholesterol absorption. Insoluble fiber reduces the risk of colon cancer as well as constipation. (yum) Spinach contains Lutein, which strengthens your vision. It also is a high source of Vitamin A plus, Popeye consumed it to rough up Bluto. It is a supreme muscle food and a great aid to mix in at dinner or a salad at lunch.
4. Almonds-My go to snack in the late A.M through the early evening. Another cholesterol dropper, it also aids in building strong bones and teeth (smile!) plus reduces the risk of a heart attack. They pack a good source of protein and healthy fats, which will keep you full throughout the day.
5. Green Tea- Ah yes, my metabolism jump starter. Would you like to speed up your system to enable you to drop some weight? Well here is trick I use….. A big glass of water right when you wake up in the morning. Throw in some lemon juice, and your system can burn calories up to 30% more efficiently than without these sources. Put it to the test and prove me right! Coffee of course is a great way to do the same thing, however it can be addictive if you have more than 3-5 cups a day. Try having a caffeine headache after the “coffee withdrawal” if you try and quit cold turkey. OUCH! It also is difficult to restore your Central Nervous System when you are consuming a fair amount of caffeine day after day!
Back to green tea, it boosts your metabolism, memory, as well as fights bad cholesterol. It’s antioxidant levels are off the charts and is a great substitute for coffee in the morning as well as early afternoon.
6. Eggs- My go to for breakfast, along with #3 on this list They pack a TON of essential Vitamins and minerals, are a great source of low calorie protein and of course boost in weight loss. A very popular question that’s asked: Should I eat the whole egg or egg whites? Egg whites don’t pack any cholesterol, in which Eggs are a little on the heavier side. Yet if you just choose the whites, you’re missing out on the aforementioned vitamins and minerals. Point blank, if you’re cholesterol is normal, stick with the eggs. Either way, it’s an amazing food (Tip 2 to speed up the metabolism, add oregano on top of it. It’s an amazing herb with many benefits too!)
7. Oats/Quinoa- My double go to’s for a late night snack. Quinoa is a great substitute for oatmeal if you’re going for a higher protein meal. Quinoa has amazing benefits and is a great “all 3 meal” food to consume. It lowers inflammation in your body, packs TONS of vitamins and minerals to help fend of cancer and other diseases. (diabetes among them)
Oatmeal lowers your cholesterol and is a great carbohydrate loaded anytime of the day food to keep your day rolling! It packs a great amount of grains, omega 3’s and complex carbs which are energy essential for a workout early as well. Sweeten it with Stevia, Berries, mix it with Peanut butter or almond milk to add flavor. Steel Cut is recommended if you’re REALLY trying to get healthier, however adding it your daily meal plan will enhance your health all the same. Recently, I’ve been using oatmeal as a sleep aid. It works well in the evening due to the fact that the carbohydrates cause a serotonin release in the body. Serotonin is a ”feel-good” hormone that decreases stress and puts you in a much calmer state of mind.
8. Dark Chocolate- SURPRISE! A nice little dessert to add to your regimen. It has an overload of antioxidants that are essential for enhancement in your heart, brain and control of your blood sugar. DO NOT go lower than a 60% Dark chocolate bar or square. The darker it is, the more benefits they retain. It’s a good little sugar boost too, I’d recommend eating a couple of squares a day at anytime (don’t eat the whole bar!)
Other foods include- Avocados, apples, organic red meat, kale, salsas, jalapenos, etc. For more information on these foods, go to Wikipedia and find out their health benefits.
Try incorporating all of these foods into your meal plan and lifestyle. You will shed weight, fat and improve overall health quickly! You can look up some recipes to blend some of these foods together online to really make your meals flavorful and healthy. Have an awesome rest of your week!
Follow me on Instagram and Twitter @jcvwellness for more fitness and health information!