Just move folks and quit arguing about what is the best form of fitness!! Fitness,…
The Truth About Coffee!!
Either you are a caffeine person or you’re not, it’s that simple. For some folks it’s a buffer to fly through their day, an absolute necessity or their body will be parked on blocks in the backyard. For other’s, there is no appeal. The thought of caffeine causes instantly skyrockets your Central Nervous System, sensitive much? I could be speaking to you.
The most popular form of caffeine consumption is coffee, whether it’s Starbucks, Dunn Brothers or your local/Worldwide brew: you MUST CONSUME coffee! Why exactly does coffee possess such cryptic powers to turn us into overachievers? The coffee plant originated in East Africa — according to legend, a goat herder tried coffee cherries after he noticed his goats acting much more energetic after nibbling on the coffee bushes. In the 15th century, folks in Yemen, Egypt and North Africa began consuming coffee. It soon spread to Europe and eventually spread Worldwide, where the popularity of coffee leaves it as the #2 most consumed beverage behind water!
There are a plethora of positives with coffee:
Caffeine in general reduces the rate of our perceived exertion, nearly acting as a placebo. It has been shown to improve reaction time, mental clarity and verbal memory. Almost like a dosage of dark invincibility!
The antioxidants that coffee provides are also abundant. In fact, it represents half to nearly 3/4 of our antioxidants consumed on a daily basis(which tells me that MANY folks in the World are micro-nutrient(vegetables anyone??) deficient.)
For those of you who are “fast” caffeine metabolizers, congratulations! Your REM cycle shouldn’t be affected. Heck, you could have a small cup of coffee about 3 hours before you fall asleep and still not have any disruptions. How you ask??
Some may still be able to fall asleep even though caffeine is still blocking the adenosine receptors. Adenosine receptors are the neurotransmitters that signal your body is tired. You may fall asleep after a caffeinated dose but this sleep is usually shallow and restless.
On the contrary, slow caffeine metabolizers are more prone to interrupted bouts of sleep, increased blood pressure and have the potential to suffer heart diseases from coffee among other caffeine products. The only way to truly find out if you are a fast or slow metabolizer of coffee is to have a DNA test done. Otherwise, you are rolling the dice! Do some research and find out your family’s history of cardiac and other diseases before moving forward with coffee!
In conclusion, coffee has a tremendous amount of benefits. Drinking some coffee is good, but more isn’t necessarily better, especially if you are a slow metabolizer. For those who are greatly affected by coffee and caffeine, avoid it altogether or cut down your consumption.
Want a quick and easy test of your coffee consumption? Ask yourself how you feel physically, mentally, and emotionally a few hours after you drink some.
Also, go black if possible. Pumping your coffee full of cream, sugar, and other exotic additives reduces any potential health benefits by adding unnecessary calories and artificial flavors and sweeteners.
Taking all the data into consideration, it seems that your best bet is about 1-3 cups of coffee (8-24 oz) per day. This will maximize all of the wonderful benefits that coffee provides!
Follow me Jesse Velasquez @jcvwellness on Twitter and Instagram or email me at jcvwellness@gmail.com for fitness advice, life questions or a simple shout out/criticism you have.
I am a personal trainer/nutrition coach whose passion is enhancing the lives of those around me.
Decide, Commit, Act, Succeed, Repeat!